Kinnock and Prodi apologise for errors in fisheries fiasco

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.8, No.20, 23.5.02, p1-2
Publication Date 23/05/2002
Content Type

Date: 23/05/02

By Martin Banks

EUROPEAN Commission Vice-President Neil Kinnock has blamed a 'serious confusion in communications' for the row over Steffen Smidt's removal as fisheries director-general.

The Welshman's frank admission came when he appeared before the Parliament's legal affairs committee to answer claims that the architect of the Commission's fisheries reforms was axed following pressure from Spain.

MEP Neil MacCormick said it appeared Smidt had been moved 'like a pawn in a game of chess'.

But Kinnock insisted there was 'no link of any kind' between Smidt's job loss and the reform proposals.

'No intervention relating to Mr Smidt was made by any member state. No intervention would have influenced the Commission in any case,' he said, adding that the Danish director-general would stay in his job until his successor was appointed.

Kinnock said both he and Romano Prodi, the Commission president, had apologised to Smidt for their 'inadvertent discourtesy' in failing to formally tell him that he was being axed until the day before the decision was officially announced.

However, the vice-president told the committee that Smidt had been aware - albeit informally through the cabinet of Fisheries Commissioner Franz Fischler - that 'consideration' was being given to his departure 'before rather than after the fisheries reform and the first phase of its implementation'.

This followed earlier contacts between Philip Lowe, head of Kinnock's cabinet, his counterpart in Fischler's office, Corrado Pirzio-Biroli, and Smidt himself over the timing of the departure 'that would be most suited to meet Mr Smidt's future career plans'.

Although Smidt indicated that mid-2003 or mid-2004 would fit best with his future intentions, Kinnock said Fischler had made it clear that any change of director-general should take place only before or after - but not during - the fisheries reform programme.

However, Kinnock said it was only on 23 April, the day before the official announcement of changes at director-general level in the Commission, that his cabinet learned Smidt had not been directly informed of his impending departure.

'That made it apparent that a serious confusion in communications had taken place. As soon as I became aware of that in the early afternoon of 23 April, I instantly telephoned Mt tell him he was on the list of proposed changes...and advised him to contact Mr Fischler.

'Mr Fischler informed him that - while he had not sought his inclusion on the list - he would not oppose it.'

Claims that the Commission had acted under external pressure and in bad faith were therefore 'pernicious', said Kinnock.

The 'objective proof' of that would come next week with the approval of 'fundamental' and 'unchanged' reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), he added.

MEPs were quick to recognise that the questions raised over Smidt's removal and the intervention by Spanish Commissioner Loyola de Palacio, in an attempt to delay the CFP proposals, had actually played into the hands of the reformers.

Struan Stevenson, chairman of the Parliament's fisheries committee, said: 'If Spain hoped their cack-handed intervention would alter the reforms it is clear this has backfired horribly.'

However, the UK Conservative cast doubt over Kinnock's explanation of the circumstances behind Smidt's removal and denial that outside interference had played a role in the decision. 'I must say I find it hard to swallow,' said Stevenson.

'It is extraordinary that both Kinnock and Fischler are claiming there is no connection between the reform fiasco and Smidt's sacking, particularly when you consider that other departmental heads included in what was a routine restructuring were all informed of their new posts at the start of the year.'

He plans to quiz Fischler further on the issue when the commissioner appears before the fisheries committee today (23 May).

Danish MEP Jens-Peter Bonde echoed Stevenson's concerns, saying: 'I am not satisfied with Kinnock's explanation. It leaves too many unanswered questions.

'What has become clear, though, is that the Commission dare not now change the reform package for fear of appearing to have caved in to outside pressure.'

Other MEPs also highlighted Kinnock's admission that Fischler had not sought Smidt's removal.

The Dane will remain in charge of the fisheries directorate until his replacement is appointed.

The post has been advertised and the Commission hopes to make a decision by the end of July.

After that, Smidt has been told he can stay on for up to six months as an hors classe advisor.

European Commission Vice-President Neil Kinnock has blamed a 'serious confusion in communications' for the row over Steffen Smidt's removal as fisheries director-general.

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