De Palacio facing ‘quit’ calls over role in fisheries battle

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Series Details Vol.8, No.17, 2.5.02, p1-2
Publication Date 02/05/2002
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Date: 02/05/02

By Martin Banks

COMMISSION Vice-President Loyola de Palacio is facing calls to resign over her efforts to block radical reform of the controversial Common Fisheries Policy.

Danish Fisheries Minister Mariann Boel and MEPs say she should go if it is proved that a letter she sent to Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler, urging him to change his proposals, was prompted by instructions from José María Aznar's government.

In the letter, a copy of which has been obtained by European Voice, de Palacio writes: 'I would like to express my concerns about the thrust and impact of your proposals. I am very worried...that in order to resolve an important problem, you are proposing to radically change the CFP.'

She concludes: 'I look forward to discussing these issues with you and hope we can find an acceptable compromise.'

The Spanish fisheries minister, Miguel Arias Cañete, was reported to have said he had instructed de Palacio to stall the planned reform. He has since backtracked and apologised to de Palacio and Fischler, blaming his comments on a 'misunderstanding'.

But his retraction has done nothing to dispel claims that de Palacio attempted to block critical aspects of the reform proposal in pursuit of national interests.

Such an action would flout EU convention.

Boel is now leading a growing clamour for de Palacio to quit if evidence emerges that she did act under instructions from Madrid. She said it would be 'totally unacceptable' if Spain had tried to influence the Commission's work. 'If it becomes clear that pressure is being put on a commissioner, with reference to national interest, then [the Commission president Romano] Prodi has a job to do,' she said.

Niels Busk, a member of the European Parliament's fisheries committee, said: 'It seems that Spain has been using de Palacio to get the proposed reform scrapped or at least watered down. If she's acted incorrectly, of course she should go.'

MEPs have convened an extraordinary meeting of coordinators on the committee next week to discuss the matter.

The row has developed following an 'amazing' 15-day sequence of events:

  • 16 April: de Palacio writes to Fischler voicing 'concern' at reform plans;
  • 17 April: European commissioners agree to remove the CFP from the agenda at their weekly meeting;
  • 21 April: Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar telephones Commission President Romano Prodi, allegedly claiming Spain is unhappy with the substance of the reform plans;
  • 23 April: Dane Steffen Smidt, the Commission's director-general of fisheries and architect of the reform, loses his job;
  • 24 April: Final approval of reform plans delayed for a second time;
  • 25 April: Cañete is reported to have stated that 'instructions' had been given to Spain's commissioners;
  • 30 April: Prodi tells the media that de Palacio has done nothing wrong;
  • 30 April: de Palacio writes to Boel dismissing as 'nonsense' claims she had acted under instructions from Madrid.

Busk, a Danish Liberal, said: 'The key question is: did de Palacio act under instructions from the Spanish government?

'We need to get to the bottom of this because it is a very serious matter.'

Fellow Danish MEP Jens-Peter Bonde accused the Commission of 'colluding' in a bid to cover up the extent to which member states had tried to influence EU policy.

'De Palacio's portfolio is transport and energy. What the hell was she doing interfering in fisheries policy? The whole thing stinks,' he said.

He added: 'After the illegal Spanish pressure, some in the Commission then started an even more illegal cover up. Smidt was asked to agree that his removal was part of a long-term reshuffling although he'd only got the message the same day.

'He refused to lie publicly about the reasons for his removal.'

David Baldock, director of the Institute for European Environmental Policy, a UK-based think-tank, said:

'This is an amazing sequence of events, particularly the fact that approval of the CFP reform, which had appeared straightforward and was initially promised for December 2001, has now been postponed twice in less than a fortnight.'

He said it was clear the Commission had stalled the proposals 'at the behest of the Spanish presidency'.

'Everyone knows that intense lobbying goes on but there is a thin line commissioners cannot cross and if it's proved that de Palacio has crossed that line then she should resign.

'Further delay to CFP reform will cause grave concern. Above all, it should also raise alarm among those with a commitment to securing an open and transparent EU, one that respects the independence of the Commission.'

In her reply to Boel, de Palacio insists she has acted correctly.

She writes: 'There was neither instruction nor pressure at any time from any European government.

'This would have been a legal and political nonsense and therefore I criticise firmly any statements which could give any other impression.'

She continues: 'I will not tolerate restrictions to my freedom and independence to defend my convictions.'

Spain is among several member states - including France, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Ireland - which appears unwilling to accept radical reform of the CFP; they have established an informal grouping called Les Amis de la Peche (Friends of Fishing) to defend its interests.

European Commission Vice-President Loyola de Palacio is facing calls to resign over her efforts to block radical reform of the controversial Common Fisheries Policy.

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