Call for sanctions on Burma despite release

Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.18, 8.5.02, p4
Publication Date 08/05/2002
Content Type

Date: 08/05/02

THE European Union is being urged to impose sanctions on Burma's military government unless it makes significant progress towards democracy in the next six months.

The call comes after Burma's pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was freed last weekend after 20 months under house arrest.

The former Nobel Peace Prize winner said the decision to lift restrictions on her was only the beginning of a political process.

That view was echoed by Harn Yawnghwe, director of the Brussels-based Euro-Burma Office. While welcoming the decision to free Aung San Suu Kyi, he said that alone would 'not really change anything'.

'We want to see real progress,' he added. 'For a start, the junta must stop its attacks on ethnic people and also inform the Burmese people what is happening in their country.

'We are also asking the EU and its member states to impose sanctions unless significant progress is made by October in bringing about basic freedoms.'

MEP Glenys Kinnock, prominent in the campaign for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, backed the call for tougher action. She also wants member states to encourage people not to holiday in Burma until the military relinquishes its 40-year grip on power.

Kinnock, who met the pro-democracy leader two years ago, said: 'Her release is welcome but it will be a meaningless gesture unless there is real progress in other areas, such as phasing-out of military rule and the release of military prisoners. Until these happen, we must continue to be vigilant.

'To its credit, the European Parliament has already pledged to ban overseas investment in Burma unless there are signs of progress. These investments have been the lifeline for Burma's generals and if the EU and member state governments don't take a strong line, companies will, effectively, be investing in tyranny.'

Aung San Suu Kyi won an overwhelming victory in Burma's last democratic election in 1990, but was prevented from taking power.

The European Union is being urged to impose sanctions on Burma's military government unless it makes significant progress towards democracy in the next six months.

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