Europe to launch crack-down on soccer hooligans

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Series Details Vol.8, No.14, 11.4.02, p7
Publication Date 11/04/2002
Content Type

Date: 11/04/02

By Martin Banks

MEPs have approved plans designed to crack down on a 'mounting and worrying' rise in soccer violence in the European Union.

The new proposals, which come on the eve of this summer's World Cup in Japan and South Korea, will require EU member states to improve the exchange of information between the authorities, not only on known troublemakers but all fans.

This will involve setting up information centres to provide personal data on high-risk supporters.

At present, only four EU countries - the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium - have such centres. It is hoped that improved intelligence will prevent known hooligans from entering countries hosting international matches.

A report considered by MEPs meeting in plenary session in Strasbourg this week also calls on players and managers of clubs to be more forthright in their condemnation not just of violence but of racist and xenophobic chanting and the booing of foreign anthems by fans inside stadiums.

MEP Gérard Deprez, the Parliament's rapporteur on the subject, said: 'Football is Europe's number-one sport but, unfortunately it is marred by hooliganism and violence both inside and outside stadiums. No member state is without its football hooligans but controlling violence presents particular problems.

'There is mounting and worrying evidence of football hooliganism and violence and that this is not just the product simply of tiny minorities of thugs and right-wing minorities.'

Déprez's report said that improved exchange of information between national authorities plays an 'important' role in maintaining law and order at international football matches.

'The present system, which is based on non-binding arrangements and ad-hoc contacts, is confined to exchanging information on football fans who are thought likely to cause trouble and has proved unsatisfactory.

'What is needed is for each member state to establish or designate a police-run national football information centre to act as a single, central, direct contact point.'

The national monitoring centres will coordinate information, using personal data on fans, stadium ban lists, photographs and any other relevant information.

They will have up-to-date risk assessment of their own country clubs and national teams, including information on ordinary and high-risk fans.

Deputy Michael Cashman, a member of the civil liberties committee, welcomed the legislation, saying: 'We are fighting football crime in Europe with one hand tied behind our backs.

'These networks are a step forward to redress the balance and a direct response to the 2000 World Cup when the exchange of information was patchy and ineffective because of poor coordination of national information.'

MEPs have approved plans designed to crack down on a 'mounting and worrying' rise in soccer violence in the European Union.

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