Hungary’s ‘Status Law’ helping Orbán

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Series Details Vol.8, No.11, 21.3.02, p8
Publication Date 21/03/2002
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Date: 21/03/02

By David Cronin

BUDAPEST'S controversial law granting preferential treatment to ethnic Hungarians in neighbouring countries is being used to boost Viktor Orbán's chances of winning a second term as prime minister, his Slovak counterpart has claimed.

Last June's decision by the Hungarian parliament to adopt the so-called Status Law has particularly incensed Romania and Slovakia. They were not consulted about a range of 'discriminatory' benefits such as teacher scholarships and exemptions from residence permits offered to ethnic Hungarians.

Slovak premier Mikulás Dzurinda said he is committed to resolving his differences with Orbán but feels he will have to wait until after the Hungarian elections on 7 and 21 April before the current impasse can be broken. 'He [Orbán] uses this card as a political flag to lead to the success of his party,' Dzurinda told European Voice.

But Dzurinda has ruled out taking retaliatory measures for the time being. 'If necessary, we will do it [retaliate],' he said. 'But I cannot believe it is impossible to reach a final agreement.'

Slovakia's efforts to have the law rescinded were boosted by a report last autumn from the 43-nation Council of Europe.

Although the report found it legitimate for states to enact laws conferring benefits on 'kin folk' living outside their borders, it urged those states to avoid more 'extraterritorial' measures without the consent of affected countries.

Earlier this week the Enlargement Commissioner Gunter Verheugen said the Commission could only back the law's implementation if Hungary and its neighbours reach an agreement on it.

Dzurinda also issued a fresh broadside against his predecessor, Vladimir Meciar. Slovak prime minister during most of the 1990s, Meciar has faced a litany of allegations that he mismanaged the economy after its independence in 1993, that he showed favouritism to particular companies during the privatisation process and that he abused power.

Meciar, leader of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia, still enjoys much support, especially among older people. A recent opinion poll suggested he is the country's most popular politician with 20.8 support. Dzurinda stands at 8.8.

'For Slovakia, it would be much better to create a government without Meciar and his party,' added Dzurinda. 'I don't trust him. He has been connected with many, many cases that were against democracy.'

Despite his strong showing in opinion polls, Dzurinda does not believe Meciar will be part of the ruling coalition likely to be formed after September's general election.

Both Dzurinda's Slovak Democratic and Christian Union and Roberto Fico's Smer (Direction) party have ruled out forming a government with him.

Earlier this year EU foreign ministers listed the prospect of his return to power as a key problem for the enlargement process.

There are also fears that such an eventuality would dash Slovak hopes of being invited to join NATO at the Alliance's Prague summit in November.

Budapest's controversial law granting preferential treatment to ethnic Hungarians in neighbouring countries is being used to boost Viktor Orbán's chances of winning a second term as prime minister, his Slovak counterpart has claimed.

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