Christianity lacks currency on euro notes

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Series Details Vol.8, No.4, 31.1.02, p3
Publication Date 31/01/2002
Content Type

Date: 31/01/02

By Peter Chapman

THE European Central Bank has rejected claims that references to Christianity should have been incorp-orated into the design of the new euro banknotes and coins.

Italian MEP Mario Borghezio says a depiction of Christianity or God 'should have been seen as indis-pensable, given the current process of globalisation which is gradually wiping out our traditions and our European historical, cultural and religious identity'.

He claimed this 'blunder' followed the decision of European leaders to ignore Christianity in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Human Rights, even though 'the roots of European culture are clearly Christian' and that God is the 'supreme source of human dignity and human rights'.

The €20 banknote does, however, depict ecclesiastical architecture and the ECB said discussions were already taking place about how and when the new notes and coins would be redesigned.

But a spokesman added there were no plans to feature references to Christianity.

Instead, it is thought the ECB might be considering changing the map of Europe that appears on the notes following claims by a graphics company in France that the bank used one of its designs without permission.

Gerassimos Thomas, spokesman for monetary commissioner Pedro Solbes, shrugged off the MEP's complaint about a lack of Christian imagery, saying: 'It is a sign that the euro is a normal currency when you get this sort of question.'

Despite the controversy, Pope John Paul II welcomed the launch of the euro in his annual address to Vatican diplomats earlier this month.

The Pope said the currency symbolised 'the progressive unification of Europe'.

The European Central Bank has rejected claims that references to Christianity should have been incorporated into the design of the new euro banknotes and coins.

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