Author (Person) | Valasek, Tomas |
Publisher | Carnegie Europe |
Series Title | Strategic Europe |
Series Details | 11.04.17 |
Publication Date | 11/04/2017 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited the United States from 11-13 April 2017. On the 12 April 2017 he met US President Donald Trump for their first face to face meeting. In this pre-visit commentary Tomas Valasek said that the NATO secretary general should use the meeting to convey important messages on terrorism and defence spending. Report of the meeting between US President Trump and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Washington, 12 April 2017 Following their meeting, Mr. Stoltenberg welcomed the very strong commitment of the United States to the security of Europe, and underlined the importance of the transatlantic bond. He said: 'In a more dangerous and more unpredictable world, it’s important to have friends and Allies. And in NATO, America has the best friends and the best Allies in the world'. President Trump said 'I said it [Nato] was obsolete. It's no longer obsolete'. |
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Subject Categories | Security and Defence |
Countries / Regions | Europe, United States |