UKIP gains Westminster MP after Tory defection

Series Title
Series Details 28.08.14
Publication Date 28/08/2014
Content Type

United Kingdom Member of Parliament Douglas Carswell resigned from the Conservative Party on the 28 August 2014 and defected to the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). He also quit as the MP for Clacton, saying he would contest the subsequent by-election for UKIP.

The Eurosceptic MP said that he did not believe Prime Minister David Cameron was 'serious about the change we need' in Europe.

A second Conservative Party MP Mark Reckless defected to UKIP on the 27 September 2014.

Following this move, the eurosceptic group of the Conservative party applied renewed pressure on Mr Cameron, amid reports that up to 100 of his MPs would promise to vote for Britain's withdrawal from the EU after the 2015 general election.

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Blog: Open Europe, 28.08.14: Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP: A Clacton by election could change the general election result
BBC News, 25.08.14: Tory MP Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP and forces by-election
The Guardian, 28.08.14: Tory MP Douglas Carswell defects to Ukip and forces byelection
The Conversation, 28.08.14: All eyes on Tory eurosceptics as defection to UKIP forces fight that could shape next election
Conservative Home, 29.08.14: David Nuttall MP: I want to leave the EU, and that’s why I’ll be staying in the Conservative Party
Website: Better Off Out
Conservative Home, 29.08.14: We name the next Carswells
Conservative Home, 28.08.14: Carswell defects to UKIP
UKIP: Press Release, 28.08.14: Carswell defects to UKIP: 'My position with Conservatives is now untenable'
EUObserver, 01.09.14: Cameron faces new EU referendum backlash
The Guardian, 31.08.14: Tories should give Ukip free run in Clacton, MP suggests
The Guardian, 31.08.14: Eurosceptic Tory MP Chris Kelly quits
Social Europe Journal, 04.09.14: Nigel Farage Gambles On Labour Win In The UK
BBC News, 27.09.14: Mark Reckless's journey from Tory rebel to UKIP recruit
Le Monde Diplomatique, October 2014: Ukip’s surprise party line
The Guardian, 27.09.14: Tory MP Mark Reckless defects to Ukip

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