Author (Corporate) | Euro|Topics |
Publisher | Euro|Topics |
Series Title | Main Focus |
Series Details | 11.05.15 |
Publication Date | 11/05/2015 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
Following the election victory of British Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party in May 2015, a referendum on Britain's EU membership in 2017 (or even earlier) was almost a certainty. This was a chance to redefine relations between Brussels and London, some commentators in European newspapers wrote in delight. Others feared the debate over a Brexit could weaken the EU in foreign policy. This Main Focus from Euro|Topics offers English (+ French and German) translations of a selections of articles in European news sources on this topic. On the 12 May 2015 UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) George Osborne said in Brussels that the new Conservative government had a 'very clear mandate' to renegotiate the UK's relationship with the European Union. It was also noted that Mr Osborne's No.2 in HM Treasury, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury Greg Hands was a noted linguist and had good relations with the CDU in Germany. The Treasury was seen as likely to lead the renegotiations with the EU rather than the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Countries / Regions | Europe, United Kingdom |