Author (Corporate) | United Nations, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
Publisher | UN |
Publication Date | December 2008 |
Content Type | Policy-making, Report |
The Poznań Climate Change Conference provides the opportunity to draw together the advances made in 2008 and move from discussion to negotiation mode in 2009. At COP 14/CMP 4 in Poznań, Parties are expected to: +Agree on a plan of action and programmes of work for the final year of negotiations after a year of comprehensive and extensive discussions on crucial issues relating to future commitments, actions and cooperation +Make significant progress on a number of on-going issues required to enhance further the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, including capacity-building for developing countries, reducing emissions from deforestation (REDD), technology transfer and adaptation. +Advance understanding and commonality of views on "shared vision" for a new climate change regime +Strengthen commitment to the process and the agreed timeline Such an outcome at Poznań would build momentum towards an agreed outcome at Copenhagen in December 2009. The European Commission and EU member States aim to shift international negotiations on a new global climate agreement into higher gear and will be pressing for progress on a range of issues at the UN climate change conference in Poznań, Poland from 1-12 December. The Poznań conference represents an important staging-post in the international negotiations which were launched in Bali in December 2007 and are due to lead to the conclusion of the new agreement in Copenhagen, December 2009. European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas will participate in the high-level segment of the conference on 11-12 December 2008. |
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Subject Categories | Environment |
Countries / Regions | Europe |