Author (Person) | Martin, Marie |
Publisher | Statewatch |
Series Title | Statewatch Analysis |
Series Details | Volume 15, Number 9 |
Publication Date | Match 2013 |
ISSN | 1756-851X |
Content Type | Journal Article |
Abstract: On 23 January, the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (hereafter "the PACE") issued a draft Resolution and report calling on the EU and its Member States to take concrete solidarity measures in the field of migration and asylum (e.g. reception capacity, resettlement programmes in other Member States). The situation in Greece is seen as a "test case for European solidarity." 1 Because of "mounting tensions in the east Mediterranean" and Greece’s failure "to respect the human rights and dignity of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees", the Committee warned about the rise of racist violence and far-right parties. It also argued that the EU’s actions could contribute to the situation in the country. Rapporteur Tineke Strink2 stressed that the situation was very serious and that "Europe cannot afford to look away."
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Subject Tags | Asylum | Refugees, Fundamental | Human Rights, Migration | Immigration, Racism | Xenophobia |
Countries / Regions | Greece |