Support for EU membership in UK at record high

Series Title
Series Details 26.02.15
Publication Date 26/02/2015
Content Type

According to a poll published on 24 February 2015 by YouGov, support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union reached its highest in more than four years.

The poll found that 45% of those surveyed said they would vote to stay, compared to 35% who would opt to leave. That was a record level of support for the EU, compared to a low of 28% in May 2012.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Poll: British support for EU membership hits 23-year high
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
YouGov, 24.02.15: Record support for staying in the European Union
The Independent, 25.02.15: EU referendum: Support for Britain's EU membership reaches all-time high
EUObserver, 25.02.15: UK support for EU membership hits new high
EurActiv, 26.02.15: Open Europe: 17% probability of Brexit
Open Europe: Open Europe Brexit Barometer

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