Author (Person) | Johnson, Craig, Mathias, Megan |
Publisher | Wales Centre for Public Policy |
Publication Date | February 2018 |
Content Type | Report |
Further information Sub-national government involvement in international trade negotiations varied not just between countries but within countries too. Some, such as Quebec, had secured involvement because they held pre-existing competences critical to the success of the agreement. These examples could be instructive for Wales. The report suggested that there were a number of steps that Wales might consider to maximise its influence in forthcoming trade negotiations. + Engage in diplomacy with both the UK Government and other stakeholders, such as the EU and EU member states, prior to negotiations The report was published at the same time as the Welsh Government published Trade Policy: the issues for Wales. Securing Wales’ Future. The Welsh Government said that it wanted decisions on new trading relationships with the EU and the wider world to be taken in partnership with devolved administrations to fully reflect the interests of all parts of the UK. The Wales Centre for Public Policy The Wales Centre for Public Policy was created in 2017 as a new independent research centre jointly established by the Welsh Government and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The Centre builds on the success of the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) and continues the Institute’s work of supporting Welsh Government Ministers to identify their evidence needs and providing them with access to independent authoritative experts from across Wales, the UK and beyond.This report from the Wales Centre for Public Policy published in February 2018 provided a rapid evidence review of sub-national government involvement in international trade negotiations. The UK Government’s trade negotiations with the EU would have important implications for Wales. It was however unclear whether, and how, the Welsh Government and Welsh Assembly would secure a meaningful voice in the discussions. |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Wales |