Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Communication |
Series Title | Press Release |
Series Details | STATEMENT/15/5638 (13.09.15) |
Publication Date | 13/09/2015 |
Content Type | News |
Germany reimposed temporarily border controls with Austria on the 13 September 2015 in response to the severe pressures the authorities were having to cope with thousands of migrants tried to enter Germany each day. President Jean-Claude Juncker spoke on the telephone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the 13 September 2015 where she informed him about the temporary reintroduction of controls at the borders with other EU-Member States, particularly at the German-Austrian border. The temporary reintroduction of border controls between Member States was an exceptional possibility explicitly foreseen in and regulated by the Schengen Borders Code, in case of a crisis situation. Germany was not slamming its doors shut to refugees even if it was reinstating border controls, Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said on the 14 September 2015, adding that the drastic measure was needed to bring some order to the asylum process. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe, Germany |