Southern Europe catching up on e-commerce boom

Series Title
Series Details 23.05.13
Publication Date 23/05/2013
Content Type

Europe continued to hold the world’s largest share of the business-to-consumer e-commerce market, increasing its total revenue by almost one-fifth to €311.6 billion during 2012, according to a new survey seen by EurActiv.

The Europe B2C Ecommerce Report 2013 showed the largest European countries like the United Kingdom, Germany and France dominating the market.

But the fastest-growing markets are in Central Europe and the austerity-hit Mediterranean, according to the findings.

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Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Website: Electronic commerce
ESO: Background Information: Press Release: Commission launches consultation on integrated parcel delivery market to boost e-commerce in the EU
ESO: Background Information: Digital agenda: Connecting the EU

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