Author (Person) | Groszkowski, Jakub, Sadecki, Andrzej |
Publisher | Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) |
Series Title | OSW Analyses |
Series Details | 08.10.14 |
Publication Date | 08/10/2014 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
The largest Slovak gas recipient, the state-owned Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (SPP) has been receiving less and less gas from Russia for a month now. In recent days, the reduction has amounted to about 50%; in September 2014 SPP was receiving 15% less gas on average. Gazprom has blamed the supply reduction on technical problems and the procedures for filling the storage tanks. The Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico considers these explanations to be unreliable, while reassuring the public that the reduction of supplies from Russia does not threaten individual customers. SPP is preparing for possible further problems with deliveries, ensuring that it has access to alternative supplies from Austria and the German market (via the Czech Republic). In this way, SPP is ready to meet 30% of daily gas consumption. In addition, the SPP’s storage tanks are almost full. Due to additional expenses incurred in connection with the reduction of supplies from Russia, Slovakia is seeking compensation from the EC. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Energy |
Countries / Regions | Hungary, Russia, Slovakia |