Signature of a Mobility Partnership between Cape Verde and the European Union

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/08/894 (05.06.08)
Publication Date 05/06/2008
Content Type

The European Union launched a Mobility Partnerhsip with Cape Verde on 5 June 2008 by signing a joint declaration.

The Council of the European Union had invited the European Commission in December 2007 to engage in talks with Cape Verde in order to launch a pilot partnership for mobility.

Mobility partnerships were designed to give practical expression to the partnership between the European Union and third countries so as to ensure the responsible joint management of migratory flows in the interests of the Union, its partners and the migrants themselves.

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Related Links
Council of the European Union: PRES/08/160, 05.06.08: Signature of a joint declaration on a mobility partnership between the European Union and Cape Verde

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Countries / Regions ,