Sarkozy to the European Parliament: ‘Europe can not be condemned to inaction’

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 10.7.08
Publication Date 10/07/2008
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Sarkozy warns on ‘multi-speed’ Europe
By Tony Barber
Financial Times, 10 June 2008

The European Union’s repeated crises over how to reform its institutions may eventually make it necessary to create a “multi-speed Europe”, with the most pro-integrationist countries at its heart, Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, said on Tuesday.

“Perhaps one day, unfortunately, we will have to have that multi-speed or multi-tier Europe. But it could only be a last resort. Let’s think before we leave anyone behind,” Mr Sarkozy told the European Parliament.

In a speech setting out France’s priorities as the holder of the EU’s rotating presidency for the next six months, Mr Sarkozy said the 27-nation bloc needed to show its citizens and the rest of the world that the EU was capable of decisive action, in spite of the crisis over the Lisbon treaty on modernising the EU’s institutions.

Irish voters rejected the treaty in a referendum last month, and Lech Kaczynski and Vaclav Klaus, the Polish and Czech presidents, are proving reluctant to give it their approval.

Mr Sarkozy had firm words for Mr Kaczynski, saying: “He himself negotiated the Lisbon treaty. He gave his word. You must abide by your word. It’s not a question of politics, it’s a question of morals.”

He said he would visit Ireland on July 21 to discuss ways out of the crisis, but reaffirmed his opposition to further enlargement of the EU until the treaty was approved by all member-states.

“This is not blackmail. In Europe we don’t blackmail. It’s a question of consistency, honesty and logic,” he said.

“Everyone must be on board in the European Union. This is what the French presidency will work for.”

Parts of Mr Sarkozy’s speech, such as those which questioned the European Central Bank’s monetary policy and supported the EU’s common agricultural policy in its present form, appeared to be a vigorous assertion of well-known French views rather than an agreed position of all EU member-states.

However, legislators stood up and warmly applauded him after he concluded his remarks. Referring to France’s No vote in 2005 to the EU’s now abandoned constitutional treaty, José Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president, told Mr Sarkozy: “You wanted to bring France back to Europe, and that is incontestably good news for all of us.”

Describing energy and climate change policy as a top priority for the next six months, Mr Sarkozy said it was essential for EU governments to reach agreement by December on binding legislation to cut carbon dioxide emissions and boost use of renewable energy sources. The EU must present a united front to achieve worthwhile results at next year’s world climate change conference in Copenhagen, he said.

“We know now that we are the last generation that can prevent catastrophe,” he declared.

However, he also said the EU should consider defending its businesses against imports from countries – including, implicitly, China and India – that do not match the EU’s ambitious efforts to cut CO2 emissions in industry.

“It’s not a question of protectionism, it’s about fairness and justice and a refusal to be naïve. We need to debate this,” he said.

Defending the CAP, Mr Sarkozy said: “In 2050 there will be 9bn human beings… Is it reasonable to ask Europe to reduce agricultural production when the world has never needed food so much? It’s not about French agriculture, it’s about common sense.”

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
Report of speech by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 10 July 2008 outlining France's priorities during its Presidency of the European Council, July-December 2008.

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Euro/Topics: Sarkozy's plans for the future of the EU, 11.7.08
EurActiv, 11.7.08: Sarkozy sweet-talks European Parliament
France: EU Presidency: Work Programme
Euro/Topics: Magazin, June 2008: French Presidency
BBC News, 10.7.08: Sarkozy warns EU on treaty debate
Deutsche Welle, 10.7.08: Sarkozy Says France Won't Propose New EU Treaty,2144,3473866,00.html

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