Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. Implementing EU food and nutrition security policy commitments: first biennial report

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2014) 712 final (2.12.14)
Publication Date 02/12/2014
Content Type ,

In 2010, the European Union (EU) and its Member States along with all partners sought to address food and nutrition security by adopting an EU-wide policy framework for food security. Since then, further EU development policy commitments have been undertaken to reinforce the priorities established in 2010.

An Implementation Plan for Food and Nutrition Security was produced and divided into six policy priorities, accompanied by performance criteria and indicative intervention areas. After approving the Implementation Plan in April 2013, the Council requested that the European Commission produce, jointly with the Member States, consolidated EU-wide biennial progress reports from 2014 onwards. This document is the first of these reports. It reviews the EU and its Member States performance in executing the Implementation Plan, for communication to the European Parliament and the Council and to the general public.

This report sets out to answer two basic performance questions: 1) how were the disbursements and specific interventions made in 2012 aligned with the six policy priorities and 2) how did the EU and its Member States adhere to the 3Cs of coherence, complementarity and coordination in addressing these priorities.

This report is an upward accountability tool. It establishes a benchmark or baseline against which subsequent reports will compare the performance of EU donors in working together to deliver agreed EU policy priorities regarding food and nutrition security. It draws on consolidated quantitative evidence (disbursement data based on OECD-DAC reporting in 2012) and qualitative data on the 3Cs provided by Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the EU in their respective reports. The methodology is described in chapter 4 of the linked staff working document (SWD). The EU donors which contributed to this report together represent almost 90% of the total (all sectors) EU ODA provided by the EU and all Member States.

The report reviews the performance of the EU and its Member States using existing performance assessment data. As a consequence, the report also tests whether current performance assessment systems are able to provide valid and reliable data on EU engagement in the six policy priority areas.

This report is accompanied by a Staff Working Document (SWD), which provides additional information and case studies.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2014)712: Follow the progress of this report through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2014)343: Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the report

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