Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Implementation of Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom of 25 June 2009 establishing a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2015) 573 final (18.11.15)
Publication Date 18/11/2015
Content Type ,

Under Article 9(2) of Directive 2009/71/EURATOM (Nuclear Safety Directive), the Commission is required to submit a progress report on the implementation of the Directive. This report is based on the Member States’ national reports under Article 9(1) of the Directive, which requires them to submit a report to the Commission on its implementation for the first time by 22 July 2014. The national reports demonstrate how Member States are addressing the objectives of the Directive and illustrate the approaches taken at national level.

The Council’s adoption of the Nuclear Safety Directive on 25 June 2009 was a major step towards achieving a common legal framework on nuclear safety in Europe. Until then, nuclear safety was governed by national legislation and international conventions. The objective of the Directive is to maintain and promote the continuous improvement of nuclear safety. It requires Member States to make appropriate national arrangements for a high level of nuclear safety to protect workers and the general public against the dangers of exposure to ionising radiation from nuclear installations.

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Related Links
EUR-Lex: SWD(2015)244: Implementation status of Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom of 25 June 2009 establishing a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations
ESO: Background information: The EU takes the lead on nuclear safety with the amendment to the Nuclear Safety Directive
EurActiv, 22.01.16: Nuclear safety now a 'worrying' issue

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Countries / Regions