Putin wants ‘statehood’ for Novorossiya / Putin presents plan for ceasefire

Series Title
Series Details 01.09.14
Publication Date 01/09/2014
Content Type

Russian President Vladimir Putin called on the 31 August 2014 for immediate talks on the 'statehood' of southern and eastern Ukraine, although his spokesman said this did not mean Moscow now endorsed 'the Novorossiya militias' calls for independence for territory they had seized.

As Ukrainian rebels took control of a strategic airport - with Kyiv's troops in retreat - Ukraine's defence minister Valeriy Geletey said Russia was responsible for the militants' recent advances and warned of a major conflict.

Euro|Topics reported that Russian President Putin presented a seven-point plan for settling the Ukraine conflict on the 3 September 2014. It foresaw negotiations for a ceasefire between Kiev and the separatists by the end of the week. This showed that peace diplomacy was still possible, some commentators suggested. Others feared Moscow was aiming for a permanently 'frozen' conflict.

Nato leaders cautiously welcomed the apparent breakthrough in the five-month Ukrainian conflict on the 4 September 2014 after President Poroshenko briefed them at a NATO Summit meeting in Wales.

A meeting was planned on the 5 September 2014 in Minsk between the OSCE, Russia and Ukraine to formalise the ceasefire. News reports suggested that a 'preliminary protocol to a ceasefire agreement' was signed at the meeting and came into force later on the same day.

However, already almost immediately in the following days the 'ceasefire' was broken by continued armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, although some sources said the intensity of the fighting was not enough to signify a breakdown.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/sections/global-europe/putin-wants-statehood-novorossiya-308106
Related Links
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