Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Series Title | COM |
Series Details | (2016) 194 final (6.4.16) |
Publication Date | 06/04/2016 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
In February 2013, the Commission tabled a package of legislative proposals on Smart Borders to modernise the Schengen area’s external border management. The package consisted of three proposals: During the first examination of the package which was completed in February 2014, the co-legislators voiced technical, financial and operational concerns on certain aspects of the design of the systems. However the preferred policy options proposed in 2013 (i.e. centralised systems based on biometrics) were not questioned. The European Parliament referred the proposal to its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). It did not issue a legislative resolution on the proposals. In order to further assess the technical, organisational and financial impacts of the proposed policy options, the Commission initiated, with the support of both co-legislators, a so-called ‘proof of concept’ exercise consisting of two stages: Based on the findings of the Technical Study, the results of The Pilot, the technical discussions with co-legislators and stakeholders as well as a public consultation, the Commission prepared a detailed Impact Assessment which accompanies this proposal. This Impact Assessment builds on the Impact Assessments accompanying the 2013 proposals, and focuses on elements of the 2013 proposals where modifications are proposed, notably (a) the architecture of the system, (b) biometrics to be used, (c) the use of process facilitators, (d) the retention of data and (e) access by law enforcement authorities. On the basis of these extensive preparations, the Commission has considered necessary improvements and simplifications to the 2013 proposals. The Commission has decided to: |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |