Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 133 final (12.3.13)
Publication Date 12/03/2013
Content Type

The main purpose of the proposed directive is to promote the sustainable growth of maritime and coastal activities and the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources by establishing a framework for the effective implementation of maritime spatial planning in EU waters and integrated coastal management in the coastal areas of Member States.

The increasing and uncoordinated use of coastal and maritime areas results in competition for maritime and coastal space and inefficient and unsustainable use of marine and coastal resources. Uncertainties and lack of predictability on appropriate access to the maritime space has created a suboptimal business climate for investors, with potential job losses.

Ensuring the optimal distribution of maritime space among relevant stakeholders and the coordinated management of coastal zones is essential to enable concurrent activities to achieve their full potential. It has been shown to lower exploratory research, transaction, administrative and operating costs and to increase legal certainty particularly for SMEs.

To ensure the sustainability and environmental health of these various uses, maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management will have to employ an ecosystem-based approach that ensures the protection of the natural resources that provide the basis for carrying out the various activities.

The proposed action therefore is not sector-specific, but covers all policy areas of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) with an impact on coasts, seas and oceans. It supports on-going implementation of sea-related policies in Member States through more efficient coordination and increased transparency. Maritime spatial plans and integrated coastal management strategies can also, at an early stage, improve the articulation of and reduce conflicts between economic objectives and environmental legislation.

The operational objectives of the Directive are procedural in nature. Member States will be required to develop and implement coherent processes to plan human uses of maritime space and to ensure the sustainable management of coastal areas, and to establish appropriate cross-border cooperation among them. A key added value of the proposal is support for land-sea connectivity by requiring coherence between maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management.

Planning details and the determination of management objectives are left to Member States. The EU will not take part in these processes. The proposal does not interfere with Member States’ prerogatives for town and country planning (terrestrial planning).

Source Link
Related Links
EUR-Lex: COM(2013)133: Follow the progress of this proposal through the decision-making procedure
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)64: Executive summary of the impact assessment
EUR-Lex: SWD(2013)65: Impact assessment
ESO: Background information: Commission takes initiative to support Blue Growth through sustainable management of marine and coastal areas

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions