Series Title | EurActiv |
Series Details | 15.07.13 |
Publication Date | 15/07/2013 |
Content Type | News |
EurActiv and other news sources reported on an interview German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave to ARD Television on the 14 July 2013. In it she vowed to push for tougher EU data protection laws and to force Internet firms such as Google and Facebook to be more open as she tried to reassure German voters before the forthcoming September 2013 federal elections about intrusive snooping by US intelligence in Germany. Mrs Merkel had dispatched her Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich to Washington the previous week to get answers on the spying issue but he had been derided by opposition parties and IT experts on his return for failing to obtain any US assurances or concessions. Centre-left Chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück was seen to be doing all he could to capitalise on the spying scandal, even accusing Angela Merkel of breaking her oath of office by not having prevented the surveillance. |
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Subject Categories | Internal Markets, Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe, Germany, United States |