Pressure on Berlusconi heats up after documents leaked

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 20.1.11
Publication Date 20/01/2011
Content Type

Silvio Berlusconi’s battle with prosecutors over allegations of exploiting an under-age teenage prostitute intensified on the 19 January 2011 as all 389 pages of their investigation were leaked on to the internet, driving speculation that Italy’s billionaire prime minister would be forced to step down.

He took to the airwaves for a second time to defend himself, in a sign of the seriousness with which he is treating the matter. Mr Berlusconi said he was the victim of persecution by a politicised judiciary and pledged that his government would continue.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Berlusconi dealt blow over trial immunity
BBC News, 19.1.11: Silvio Berlusconi attacks judges over Ruby sex case
Corriere Della Sera, 19.1.11: Ruby and the €5,000 Envelope – “Tell Premier to Help Me”
BBC News, 20.1.11: Vatican 'troubled' by Berlusconi sex case

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