Pressure mounts on Greece over bail-out

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Series Title
Series Details 7.2.12
Publication Date 07/02/2012
Content Type

Features report that patience with Greece was wearing thin in eurozone and international capitals in early February 2012. The French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel became just the latest EU leaders to demand quick action from Athens in a joint press conference and tv interview on the 6 February 2012.

But talks on additional austerity measures in Greece continud to go nowhere despite the looming threat of bankruptcy.

Greek leaders were expected to meet again on the 7 February 2012 for another crack at hammering out an agreement on crucial austerity measures. The country's two main unions, meanwhile, were preparing for day-long strike action.

Related Links
Spiegel Online International, 6.2.12: Merkel Demands that Greece Take Quick Action,1518,813676,00.html
ESO: Background information: The Greek debt crisis of 2010
ESO: Background information: Greece seeks bail-out deal 'this week' to avert catastrophe
Deutsche Welle, 7.2.12: Greek leaders to reconvene over debt deal as strikes called,,15721677,00.html
BBC News, 6.2.12: Greece in 'tough' talks with international lenders
France24, 6.2.12: Sarkozy, Merkel back special Greek debt account
Kathimerini, 6.2.12: Leaders set for last round of talks on reforms
Kathimerini, 6.2.12: Merkel, Sarkozy propose separate account for bailout money
EurActiv, 7.2.12: Merkozy duo plan Greek trusteeship
EUObserver, 6.2.12: Nerves fray as Greece extends bail-out talks
ESO: Background information: Call for EU to control Greek budget / Greece rejects German plan for eurozone overseer

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