Press release: Single Market Scoreboard: Member States slower to transpose single market rules; number of infringements remains stable

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/205 (28.02.14)
Publication Date 28/02/2014
Content Type

On 28 February 2014, the European Commission’s online Single Market Scoreboard was updated as regards two main governance tools: transposition of Single Market-related directives and infringements in that area for the reference period between May and November 2013.

After having fallen steadily, the EU’s average transposition deficit – the percentage of Single Market directives that have not been transposed into national law in time – has gone up slightly to 0.7 %.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Single Market Scoreboard website launched – new figures are now available online
European Commission: The EU Single Market: The Single Market Scoreboard

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