Press Release: Forced labour: Commission urges EU countries to implement new ILO Protocol

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/995 (11.09.14)
Publication Date 11/09/2014
Content Type

The European Commission on the 11 September 2014 proposed to the EU's Council of Ministers EU Member States should be authorised to ratify the International Labour Organisation (ILO) new Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention. The Protocol, together with a complementary Recommendation, was adopted by the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference in June 2014. Countries ratifying the ILO Protocol agree to prevent the use of forced labour, in particular in the context of trafficking in human beings, to improve the protection of victims, and to provide access to compensation. It also enhances international cooperation in the fight against forced or compulsory labour.

States ratifying the ILO Convention are required to develop a national policy and plan of action for the suppression of forced labour, in consultation with workers and employers’ organisations. They must take measures to prevent forced labour, including by informing vulnerable people and protecting them from possible fraudulent recruitment practices.

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ESO: Background information: Labour protection: Commissioner Andor welcomes adoption of new international standards to protect victims of forced labour and seafarers

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