Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Communication |
Series Title | Press Release |
Series Details | IP/10/1483 (9.11.10) |
Publication Date | 09/11/2010 |
Content Type | News |
The EU has made progress in curbing drug use and trafficking over the past 18 months. The Commission is acting to stop so-called “legal highs,” proposing on 20 October 2010 an EU-wide ban on mephedrone, an ecstasy-like drug that is already illegal in 15 Member States (see IP/10/1355). Important progress has also been made in blocking imports of cocaine and heroin. However, more work is needed to stem a rise in cocaine-related deaths and the emergence of new drugs and cross-border trafficking routes. These are the main conclusions of the European Commission's first review of the EU Drugs Action Plan 2009-2012, released 9 November 2010. Every year, 6,500 to 7,000 people die in the EU from a drug overdose. Between 25 and 30 million Europeans are estimated to have taken some type of illicit drug in the last year, including 4 million who took cocaine. There were 1,000 cocaine-related deaths. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Health |
Countries / Regions | Europe |