Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012. Part 5: Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium as salt, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, chromium, manganese, molybdenum and fluoride

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date September 2014
ISBN 978‑92‑893‑2683‑4
EC Nord 2014:007
Content Type

The Nordic countries have collaborated in setting guidelines for dietary composition and recommended intakes of nutrients for several decades through the joint publication of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR).

This 5th edition, the NNR 2012, gives Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for nutrients, and compared with earlier editions more emphasis has been put on evaluating the scientific evidence for the role of food and food patterns contributing to the prevention of the major diet-related chronic diseases.

The systematic reviews and individual chapters have been peer reviewed and the systematic reviews are published in the Food & Nutrition Research journal. The draft chapters were subject to an open public consultation.

Recommendations have been changed only when sufficient scientific evidence has evolved since the 4th edition.

The primary aim of the NNR 2012 is to present the scientific background of the recommendations and their application.

A secondary aim is for the NNR 2012 to function as a basis for the national recommendations that are adopted by the individual Nordic countries.

The fifth part of the 'Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012' explains the role of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium as salt, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, chromium, manganese, molybdenum and fluoride in a daily nutrition.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012. Part 4 : Food, food patterns and health: Guidelines for a healthy diet, breastfeeding, sustainable food consumption and dietary antioxidants

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