Author (Corporate) | Scottish National Party |
Series Title | Speeches |
Series Details | 13.10.16 |
Publication Date | 13/10/2016 |
Content Type | News |
Report of the speech by the First Minister for Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), Nicola Sturgeon, to the first day of the 2016 Annual Conference of the SNP in Glasgow on the 13 October 2016. She stated that her government would take action to protect Scotland’s interests from an increasingly right-wing UK government. The right wing of the Tory party was seeking to hijack the referendum result to make sure Brexit meant Tory Brexit. The action would include: + at Westminster, the SNPO would seek to build a coalition against a hard Brexit In her closing speech to the conference on the 15 October 2016 Nicola Sturgeon set out our vision for Scotland: a welcoming, progressive, open, outward-looking and inclusive nation. She said that her government would implement a four-point plan to boost trade and exports, ensuring that Scotland's European friends know that Scotland was open for business. + The Scottish government would establish a new Board of Trade in the Scottish Government, drawing on the best business expertise. On the 20 October 2016 launched a Consultation on a draft Independence Referendum Bill. The draft bill had been prepared to protect Scotland’s interests in light of the UK vote to leave the EU and the overwhelming vote across Scotland to remain. Having the bill available would allow all options to be available to the Scottish Parliament to protect Scotland’s continuing relationship with Europe. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | United Kingdom |