Series Title | EurActiv |
Series Details | 26.1.12 |
Publication Date | 26/01/2012 |
Content Type | News |
Report of an interview German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave to six European newspapers (Le Monde, Süddeutsche Zeitung, The Guardian, La Stampa, El Pais et Gazeta Wyborcza), January 2012. She spoke candidly as part of a unique collaboration between the newspapers to explore the EU's predicament. EurActiv reports that in the interview she revealed her long-term vision for Europe, saying the eurozone debt crisis was forcing eurozone countries towards a federalist model. 'My vision is political union, because Europe has to follow its own path. We need to get closer step by step, in all policy areas'. Separately, DW reported that Angela Merkel, who formally opened the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on the 25 January 2012, dared Europe in a speech to be 'more European'. She said that Europe lacked the political structures to make the common currency, the euro, work properly. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs, Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |