Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Communication |
Series Title | Memo |
Series Details | MEMO/14/558 (08.10.14) |
Publication Date | 08/10/2014 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
The Progress Report on Serbia is part of the 2014 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 8 October 2014. The actual opening of accession negotiations in January 2014 marked a new milestone in Serbia's EU aspiration. Following early elections of March 2014, the new government confirmed EU accession as Serbia's main ambition. EU accession negotiations were then underway. The analytical examination of the acquis (screening) was proceeding according to schedule and 24 chapters out of 35 have entered or completed the process. The Commission concluded that Serbia sufficiently met the political criteria. Looking ahead, Serbia needed to continue to focus on the fundamentals first, in particular on the rule of law, including the full exercise of freedom of expression, public administration reform, together with economic governance. Economic and structural reforms had started although last May's catastrophic floods further worsened the fiscal situation, which remained to be consolidated as a matter of priority. It was also crucial for Serbia to continue its commitment to regional cooperation and normalisation of relations with Kosovo through continuous implementation in good faith of all agreements reached in the dialogue, so that EU accession negotiations continued to proceed smoothly. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Serbia |