Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Communication |
Series Title | Memo |
Series Details | MEMO/13/464 (28.05.13) |
Publication Date | 28/05/2013 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
In March 2013, 5.7 million young persons were unemployed in the EU-27, of whom 3.6 million were in the euro area. The youth unemployment rate was 23.5% in the EU-27 and 24% in the euro area, relatively stable over the month, but up by respectively 0.9 percentage points and 1.5 percentage points compared to March 2012. In March 2013, the lowest rates were observed in Germany and Austria (both 7.6%), The Netherlands (10.5%), and the highest in Greece (59.1% in January 2013), Spain (55.9%), Italy (38.4%) and Portugal (38.3%). The Memo from the European Commission outlines all EU initiatives to date to tackle the issue. On the 28 May 2013, EU officials rebuffed as 'groundless' and 'dangerous' criticism from the German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble that the Commission is failing to address joblessness. Schäuble warned on that same day that failure to win the battle against youth unemployment could tear Europe apart, and dropping the continent's welfare model in favour of tougher US standards would spark a revolution. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Employment and Social Affairs, Geography |
Countries / Regions | Europe |