Italy adopts law to curb migrants

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 3.7.09
Publication Date 03/07/2009
Content Type

Italy's parliament gave final approval to a law criminalising illegal immigration and allowing citizens' patrols to help the police keep order, July 2009.

The European Commission announced it would examine the new measures to determine whether they comply with EU norms, warning that automatic expulsion rules in the legislation are not acceptable.

The legislation drew of centre-left politicians, human rights groups and the Catholic Church. The Vatican criticised the law for 'focusing on crime and leaving integration completely out of the picture'.

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Amnesty International: Press Release, 3.7.09: Italy: Napolitano should reject the “security package”
EUObserver, 14.5.09: Italy approves harsh anti-immigration bill
Deutsche Welle, 3.7.09: European Commission to look into Italy's new immigration bill,,4451726,00.html
EurActiv, 4.6.09: Italy alone in making immigration an EU vote issue
UNHCR: Briefing Notes, 14.7.09: UNHCR interviews asylum seekers pushed back to Libya
Council of Europe: Press Release, No.316, 2009: “Italy should eradicate discrimination and xenophobia and improve its migration policy” says Commissioner Hammarberg
BBC News, 27.7.09: Italy's immigrants despair at new laws
Everyone Group, 16.7.09: Public Security Law 773B denounced as racial law

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