Integrating refugees after Cologne attacks

Publication Date January 2016
Content Type

As news filtered out about the extent of sexual harassment on New Year's Eve in Cologne, Europe looked on with horror. It soon became apparent that many of the perpetrators were of Arab or North African origin and that many of them were refugees in Germany. This news, as well as the revelation of similar attacks in Stockholm, both of which had strong hints of a cover up by the police and the media, has reopened deep divisions in Europe about the refugee crisis. Those who had opposed opening Europe's doors to migrants saw in the attacks justification of their approach and were not shy of saying so.

In this situation, how will attempts to foster a European approach to the refugee crisis fare? Will the rifts between Europe's member states widen, perhaps fundamentally damaging Europe's cohesion?

A series of linked features:

+ View from Berlin: Days of disillusionment by Josef Janning
After Cologne, reducing immigrant numbers and progress on intergration key for Merkel in 2016.

+ View from London: Eurosceptics on the up by Susi Dennison
Cologne attacks embolden UK's eurosceptic forces ahead of British EU referendum

+ View from Rome: A common policy still required by Silvia Francescon
Nascent resentment is building in Italy over the lack of burden sharing

+ View from Sofia: The national interest by Louisa Slavkova
Growing discontent is closing the window of opportunity for concessions on refugees.

+ View from Stockholm: Sweden’s own sexual harassment case by Fredrik Wesslau
In parallel to Cologne, Sweden's own sexual harassment scandal threatens to benefit the Sweden Democrats

+ View from Warsaw: Feeding Poland's culture wars by Piotr Buras
Events in Cologne have prompted a speedy reaction from Poland's embattled Law and Justice government

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: The refugee crisis offers an opportunity for Europe to promote sustainable, inclusive growth
European Commission: DG Home Affairs: EWSI: The EU and Integration
European Commission: DG Home Affairs: EWSI: Commission and OECD publish joint comparative report on indicators of migrant integration, July 2015
ESO: Background information: Immigration and asylum. Migrant men and European women
ESO: Background information: Will Cologne change Germany's refugee policy?

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