Author (Corporate) | Euro|Topics |
Publisher | Euro|Topics |
Series Title | Main Focus |
Series Details | 07.04.15 |
Publication Date | 07/04/2015 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund on the repayment of a loan instalment of around €450m, IMF head Christine Lagarde announced after meeting with the Greek Finance Minister on the 5 April 2015. Commentators said in various European newspapers that Syriza's representatives were just play acting, and expected a third bailout package to be on the agenda as early as summer 2015. This Main Focus from Euro|Topics offers English (+ French and German) translations of a selections of articles in European news sources on this topic. Further information on this topic accessible via the related url hyperlinks. The BBC reported on the 9 April 2015 that an EU official had suggested that taking into account weekends and the Greek Easter there were only six working days left for Greece to come up with a revised list of reforms to seal a deal on its next rescue bailout at a Eurogroup meeting planned for 24 April 2015. Later, it was suggested that the deadline would have to slip to a Eurogroup meeting in May 2015. On 15 April 2015, credit agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Greece’s further into junk territory, from B- to CCC+, with a negative outlook. The agency, as well as the German government, were pessimistic about the possible outcome of the negotiations between the Greek authorities and the EU. News sources suggested that Greece had been pushed a step closer to default and potential exit from the eurozone after IMF chief Christine Lagarde ruled out on the 16 April 2015 giving Greece more time to pay back the €1 billion it owed to the IMF in May 2015. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Countries / Regions | Europe, Greece |