Author (Corporate) | Netherlands: Netherlands Government Information Service |
Series Title | News |
Series Details | 11.03.17 |
Publication Date | 11/03/2017 |
Content Type | News |
During March 2017 there was increasing tension between Turkey and a number of European countries including Austria, Denmark and Germany, following a row which started with the cancellation of rallies with Turkish politicians in those countries in the run up to a referendum on constitutional reforms in Turkey due for Turkish citizens on the 16 April 2017. The dispute spread to The Netherlands after it had denied landing permission for Turkish Foreign Minister Mevut Casuvoglu's plane on the 11 March 2017, hours after he had threatened sanctions should the Dutch government not allow him to attend a political rally in Rotterdam that day. The Dutch government said that it had denied entry to Casuvoglu because of 'risks to public order and security'. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the Dutch as 'Nazi remnants and fascists'. The dispute between Turkey and The Netherlands escalated on the 12 March 2017 when Turkish Family Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya flew back to Istanbul after being expelled from the Netherlands and escorted back to Germany, describing the Dutch treatment as 'ugly'. The Dutch Government said 'The Netherlands will not cooperate with efforts by Turkish ministers to publicly conduct a political campaign in this country'. The situation was especially sensitive for The Netherlands as it was due to hold a general election on the 15 March 2017. German Chancellor Angela Merkel assured the Netherlands on the 13 March 2017 of her 'full support and solidarity'. Comparisons with Nazi practices were completely inaccurate and misleading – particularly in the case of the Netherlands, which 'suffered so terribly under National Socialism'. Turkey announced on the 13 March 2017 that it had suspended all high level contacts with the Netherlands and barred the Dutch Ambassador from returning to Turkey. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Countries / Regions | Netherlands, Turkey |