Google moves to end EU antitrust probe without fine

Series Title
Series Details 11.04.13
Publication Date 12/04/2013
Content Type

Google formally submitted a package of concessions to European Union competition regulators in April 2013 in a strong signal that the world's No. 1 search engine may be able to settle a two-year antitrust investigation without a fine.

Google first offered proposals at the end of January 2013 following a spate of complaints from rivals such as Microsoft that triggered the European Commission's investigation in November 2010.

But the company, which has a market share of over 80% in Europe's Internet search market according to research firm comScore, has now made a formal offer after fine-tuning its proposals following discussions with the DG Competition of the European Commission.

On the 25 April 2013 the European Commission issued a consultation of the concessions proposed by Google.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background Information: European data watchdogs target Google over privacy
ESO: Background Information: Speech: Statement by Vice President Almunia on the Google investigation
ESO: Background information: Google resolute in face of EU ultimatum / Google revises concessions to EU
Website: ICOMP
ICOMP: Statement, 11.04.13: Google’s Offer Requires Robust Market Test
BBC News, 12.04.13: Google offers deal to end Brussels anti-trust probe
Website: Fair Search
European Commission: DG Competition: Cases: 39740 / 39768 / 39775
Blog: The Economist: Schumpeter, 13.04.13: Google and the European Commission. A flavour of utility
Deutsche Welle, 09.04.13: Google’s Android at the center of antitrust complaint
European Commission: RAPID: Press Release, IP/13/371: Antitrust: Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Google to address competition concerns
BBC News, 25.04.13: Google offers clearer search labels after EU probe

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