Series Title | Radio Poland |
Series Details | 17.09.15 |
Publication Date | 17/09/2015 |
Content Type | News |
Poland's foreign minister Grzegorz Schetyna refused to announce on 17 September 2015 how many refugees was the country going to host, as negotiations continued between member states of the European Union on this matter. During a parliamentary debate on the previous day, Polish prime minister Ewa Kopacz called for the country to host more migrants than initially planned, answering the call of German chancellor Angela Merkel. Poland was set to face a general election in October 2015. The migration debate has therefore been influenced by this specific context, with the government finding strong criticism from the opposition. At the Home Affairs Council meeting on 22 September 2015, Poland approved the relocation scheme, abandoning the other Visegrad countries which kept its negative stance on the matter. Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said on the 25 September 2105 that that Poland wanted to discuss refugees in a common voice with the European Union, 'because at a time when it needs help, others could suddenly turn their backs and say, 'This is your problem, we had your problem, and you were not there'. However EurActiv Poland reported that on the 26 September 2015 Polish far-right organised demonstrations against the background of the refugee crisis in various Polish cities. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source,Foreign-Minister-Schetyna-will-not-%E2%80%98juggle-numbers%E2%80%99-on-refugees |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Poland |