Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union: General Secretariat |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 19.06.17 |
Publication Date | 19/06/2017 |
Content Type | News |
Formal meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council in 2017: + Foreign Affairs Council, 16 January + Review of implementation of the EU Global Strategy one year after its presentation to the European Council; + Adoption of conclusions on maritime security; + Adoption of conclusions on the external aspects of counter-terrorism; + Adoption of conclusions on EU-NATO cooperation based on a joint report by the High Representative and the Secretary-General of NATO; + Adoption of conclusions on Iraq focussing on the latest developments and the future of the country; + Discussion of the external aspects of migration, in preparation of the European Council of 22-23 June 2017; + Discussion of the current diplomatic crisis in the Gulf region; + Foreign affairs ministers of the EU and of the six countries of the Eastern Partnership will prepare the Eastern Partnership Summit foreseen on 24 November in Brussels. + Other topics: Extension of the sanctions against Russia; + Reaffirmation of the EU's commitment to the Paris Agreement + Adoption of conclusions on a framework for EU response to cyber attacks + Adoption of conclusions on engagement with civil society in external relations + Adoption of conclusions for a renewed impetus of the Africa-EU Partnership + Adoption of conclusions on the EU strategy for Central Asia + Adoption of conclusions on Mali and the Sahel |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |