Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union: General Secretariat |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 22-23.06.17 |
Publication Date | 22/06/2017 |
Content Type | News |
Reports and analysis of the European Council held in Brussels on 22-23 June 2017. The agenda included the following topics: + Migration: The European Council assessed the implementation of measures taken to stem the migration flow on the Central Mediterranean route. It discussed developments in the Eastern Mediterranean route, the EU-Turkey Statement and instruments created to tackle the root causes of migration. In addition, the European Council discussed the reform of the common European asylum system, including the principles of responsibility and solidarity. + Security and defence: The heads of state or government reviewed progress in the strengthening of EU cooperation on external security and defence. They will took stock of where the EU stood in terms of internal security. + Jobs, growth, and competitiveness: The European Council reviewed efforts to deepen the single market and identify areas where progress needed to be sped up. Leaders endorsed the country-specific recommendations and concluded the 2017 European Semester. They also discussed issues relevant for the G20 meeting on 7-8 July 2017 in Hamburg. In addition, EU leaders reviewed specific foreign policy issues in light of recent events. They also discussed the implementation of the Paris Agreement and how to make the EU more digital. + Brexit negotiations: The European Council (Article 50), in an EU 27 format, met on 22 June 2017 after the working dinner. It reviewed the latest developments in the negotiations following the United Kingdom's notification under Article 50 TEU. In the margins of this meeting, leaders endorsed the procedural arrangements for the relocation of the EU agencies currently located in the UK. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |