European Business Summit 2014 (Special reports)

Series Title
Series Details May 2014
Publication Date May 2014
Content Type

Special reports published by EurActiv in May 2014.

+ Business leaders want Europe’s Russian gas addiction reduced
Efforts to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian gas must be intensified even if it means raising energy prices, European business leaders have said.

+ UK puts business at top of next Commission's priorities
The UK’s Europe minister outlined his country’s expectations for the next EU executive, arguing the digital economy and business must come first in the fight against the economic and social crisis.

+ EU-Russia trade drops sharply, as bilateral relations sour
In a new sign of chilling relations between the EU and Russia, trade between the two blocs dropped considerably in the first quarter of 2014, while the EU trade deficit with Moscow slightly declined, according to Eurostat figures published on the 16 May 2014.

+ Commission tells pharmaceutical industry to 'lobby better' in member states
While the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly voicing concern about EU regulation 'damaging' its growth potential, the industry should focus on convincing member states of its strengths instead of Brussels, the Commission says.

+ EU-US clash over financial services in TTIP
The US Ambassador to the EU told the European Commissioner for Trade on the 15 May 2014 that there is hardly any chance that financial services will be included in a future Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

+ Greens vow to push for bank ring-fence after EU elections
The European Greens will push for a compulsory ring-fence between banks' riskier investment banking and retail activities, such as mortgages and lending to small businesses, after the European elections.

+ Hundreds of protesters arrested in Brussels as business leaders debate 'maintaining citizen's trust'
40 people were arrested on the 15 May 2014 around the European Business Summit venue in Brussels during non-violent protests organised by trade unions and citizens’ groups.

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Related Links
EurActiv, 12.05.14: Business leaders want Europe’s Russian gas addiction reduced
EurActiv, 14.05.14: UK puts business at top of next Commission's priorities
EurActiv, 15.05.14: EU-Russia trade drops sharply, as bilateral relations sour
EurActiv, 15.05.14: Commission tells pharmaceutical industry to 'lobby better' in member states
EurActiv, 15.05.14: EU-US clash over financial services in TTIP
EurActiv, 16.05.14: Greens vow to push for bank ring-fence after EU elections
ESO: Background information: [Energy security debate] Poland calls for EU action to end Russia’s energy stranglehold
ESO: Background information: The new European Commission 2014 - 2019 : Nominations for European Commissioners [Part 1]
ESO: Background information: Russia’s sluggish economy is not a function of the Ukraine crisis or sanctions, but reflects long term economic trends
ESO: Background information: Ensuring transparency in EU-US trade talks: EU publishes negotiating positions in five more areas
ESO: Background information: Keynote speech: 'How do regions contribute to competitiveness?'
ESO: Background information: How does Europe win the global race?
EurActiv, 16.05.14: Hundreds of protesters arrested in Brussels as business leaders debate 'maintaining citizen's trust'
EUObserver, 16.05.14: EU and US aim for 2015 trade deal, exclude financial services
Euronews, 15.05.14: EU-US trade pact plans spark Brussels protests
EurActiv, 19.05.14: De Gucht, NGOs, trade accusations after anti-TTIP protestors 'kettled' by police

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