Author (Person) | Nielsen, Nikolaj |
Series Title | EUObserver |
Series Details | 04.12.14 |
Publication Date | 04/12/2014 |
Content Type | News |
On 4 December 2014, the Council of the European Union reached a partial agreement on specific aspects of the draft regulation setting out a general EU framework for data protection. This includes aspects connected to the public sector and to data processing situations. The Council also held a debate on the 'one stop shop' mechanism on the basis of a proposal presented by the Italian presidency of the European Union. A majority of ministers endorsed the general architecture of the proposal and the Presidency concluded that further technical work will need to be done in the following months. On 8 December 2014, the European data protection national authorities assembled in the Article 29 Working Party (WP29) released a statement in which the guiding principles for the use of European citizens' personal data were laid down. The WP29 insisted that data protection was a 'fundamental right'. The vice-chairman of the European Parliament's civil liberties committee, Jan Philipp Albrecht, warned on 7 January 2015 that serious differences between the chamber and the 28 member states might make it impossible for the new Data Protection Regulation (DPR) to be agreed before the end of the year. |
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Subject Categories | Internal Markets, Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |