Author (Person) | Dworkin, Anthony |
Publisher | European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) |
Series Title | Policy Brief |
Series Details | No.32, May 2011 |
Publication Date | 05/05/2011 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Summary: The Arab spring has exposed Europe’s old 'neighbourhood policy' towards North Africa as very largely a self-serving sham. European leaders have realised that the fledgling Arab democracies deserve help – specifically money, market access and easier travel. But the proposals so far on the table don't measure up. Egypt, the Arab world's centre of gravity with a population of 80 million, is key to the region's future, and it is in Europe’s interests to help. After giving €600 million over the last decade to Egypt in exchange for illusory box-ticking reform, the EU needs to offer a real partnership – but subject to real progress down the democratic path. The authors argue that the EU should offer a task force to look into the issue of market access; the possibility of cancelling Egypt's debt, in exchange for a programme of benchmarked reform; a European Endowment for Democracy that supports institution-building and democracy without picking (and tainting) Western-backed winners; a longer term vision of constructive relations between the north and south shores of the Mediterranean. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Eastern Europe, Europe, Middle East |