Author (Corporate) | United Kingdom: Migration Advisory Committee |
Publisher | GOV.UK |
Series Title | Corporate Report |
Series Details | March 2018 |
Publication Date | March 2018 |
Content Type | Report |
In July 2017, the Home Secretary commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to assess the impact on the UK labour market of the UK’s exit from the EU and how the UK’s immigration system should be aligned with a modern industrial strategy. This was to provide the evidence base for UK migration after the implementation period in 2021. From 4 August to 27 October 2017, the MAC held a call for evidence as well as meeting many stakeholders. Details of stakeholders the MAC met and also which bodies submitted evidence were contained in the annexes to the interim update, published in March 2018. The MAC’s interim update set out a summary of the views expressed by employers and of the regional issues raised. These themes seem the best way of summarising the views expressed to us but should not be taken to imply that the MAC endorsed a sectoral and/or regional approach to post-Brexit migration policy. Commentators noted that UK businesses were concerned about their ability to recruit workers from the EU after Britain left the EU. UK employers also saw EU workers as 'more reliable' and eager than their British counterparts. The MAC's final report was published in September 2018. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Employment and Social Affairs, Internal Markets, Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | United Kingdom |