Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union: General Secretariat |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 17.06.16 |
Publication Date | 17/06/2016 |
Content Type | News |
A meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council was held in Luxembourg on 17 June 2016. The agenda included the following items: + Conclusion of an international agreement on the expansion of trade in information technology products; + Call for an agreement on a proposal for an anti tax avoidance directive, which is part of the 'Anti tax avoidance package' released by the European Commission in January 2016; + Information on the progress regarding the proposal for the European deposit insurance scheme and on further risk-sharing and risk-reducing measures needed to further strengthen the EU's banking union - this included adopting a roadmap for the implementation of these measures; + Update on how the banking union's legal acts have been implemented by the member states; + Review of the state of play regarding a proposal for a directive introducing a financial transaction tax (FTT); + Aproval of the draft recommendations to 27 member states on their economic policies presented in the national reform programmes, including draft opinions on national fiscal policies set out in each stability or convergence programme; + Abrogation of the excessive deficit procedure for Cyprus, Ireland and Slovenia; + Discussion on possible broader uses of the reverse charge mechanism, in particular at national level for domestic transactions; + Adoption of a negotiating position on new prospectus rules, enabling the start of negotiations with the European Parliament on the final version of the regulation. + Adoption of a regulation and a directive enacting a one-year delay to new securities market rules; + Decision to extend sanctions against Russia following the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs, Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |