Series Title | EurActiv |
Series Details | 08.09.15 |
Publication Date | 08/09/2015 |
Content Type | News |
Denmark's immigration ministry started in September 2015 to advertise in Lebanese newspapers recent changes to its migration policy, aiming to discourage migrants from coming to the country. The adverts note that Denmark had reduced social benefits to migrants significantly, that those given asylum would not be allowed to have their families brought to the country during the first year, that a residence permit would only be delivered to those who speak Danish, and that rejected asylum seekers would be swiftly sent back to their home countries. Danish social media reacted sharply to the publications, many opinions noting that the Danish authorities’ move sharply contrasts with Germany's welcoming attitude to refugees. These developments were part of wider Danish government efforts. On the 3 September 2015 the government announced it would attempt to make obtaining Danish citizenship more difficult with four specific changes to current policy: + Language requirements to be strengthened The reported that hundreds of refugees in early September 2015 were trying to catch trains, hitch lifts and even walk from Denmark to Sweden. The Local looked into why so many new arrivals would rather seek asylum in sweden than in Denmark. It also reported that Denmark's Integration Minister Inger Støjberg said on the 11 September 2015 that with the nation's opt-out on EU asylum policies, there was 'simply no reason' that Denmark should participate in the EU's plan to resettle asylum seekers (due to be discussed at a Justice and Home Affairs Council on the 14 September 2015). |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Denmark, Sweden |