Debate rages as Brussels fires starting gun on 2030 energy strategy

Series Title
Series Details 22.03.13
Publication Date 22/03/2013
Content Type

The European Commission has drawn up battle lines for the debate on 2030 climate and energy targets with a Green Paper that sidelines energy efficiency and signposts possible shifts to sectoral goals, regulatory measures and increased use of carbon market funds.

On the 28 March 2013, the Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger, said there should be no new taxes on energy within the EU, and current taxes should not be raised, if prices are to be kept competitive with rivals fuelled by cheap shale gas in the US.

On the 11 April 2013, the EU’s chief scientific advisor has said that evidence allows the go-ahead for extracting shale gas.

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Related Links
EurActiv, 28.03.13:Oettinger calls for no new taxes as talks begin on 2030 climate targets
EurActiv, 11.04.13: EU's chief science advisor gives shale gas go-ahead

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