Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Preparing for the 2014 European elections: further enhancing their democratic and efficient conduct

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2013) 126 final (12.3.13)
Publication Date 12/03/2013
Content Type ,

The 2014 European elections will be the first since the Lisbon Treaty entered into force. They will be all the more important as the European Union is taking major steps towards genuine Economic and Monetary Union, of which democratic legitimacy is a cornerstone.

The Lisbon Treaty has strengthened the democratic foundations of the Union. It enhances the role of the EU citizen as a political actor in the EU by establishing a solid link between citizens, the exercise of their political rights and the democratic life of the Union. The role of the European Parliament as the representative democratic assembly of the Union has been underscored by the Lisbon Treaty. In addition, by introducing the citizens’ initiative, the Lisbon Treaty enables EU citizens to participate more directly and fully in the democratic life of the Union.

The European Commission is committed to fully exploiting existing Lisbon provisions to further enhance transparency and the European dimension of the European elections, thereby reinforcing the democratic legitimacy of the EU decision-making process and bringing the system closer to Union citizens. This is particularly relevant in view of the actions required at EU level to address the financial and sovereign debt crisis. This can also act as a stepping stone towards further Treaty reforms to enhance the European Union’s basis as a democratic organisation.

Citizens are directly represented at Union level in the European Parliament. The citizens’ perspective is further affirmed in the new definition of members of the European Parliament as ‘representatives of the Union’s citizens’ and not simply as ‘representatives of the peoples of the States brought together in the Community’. In the same vein, the Lisbon Treaty grants enhanced powers to the European Parliament, consolidating its role as full co-legislator alongside the Council. The European Parliament now decides on the vast majority of EU legislation and has power over the entire EU budget on an equal footing with the Council, while its consent is required for the adoption of Multiannual Financial Frameworks.

In its 2010 report evaluating the 2009 European elections, the Commission assessed the implementation of EU law, as well as citizens’ participation and awareness about the elections and their associated rights. The 2010 EU Citizenship report ‘Dismantling obstacles to EU citizens’ rights’ stressed the need to raise EU citizens’ awareness of the European elections, about their rights, and the impact of EU policies on their daily lives. It also highlighted the need to address shortcomings in applying the common democratic principles of the European elections and to remove obstacles citizens face in exercising their electoral rights effectively.

Across Europe, a political dialogue on the future of Europe is taking place at all levels. This includes a series of citizens' dialogues between European and national politicians and citizens as part of the European Year of Citizens. Many of the ideas raised in the process have emerged because of the need for a stronger link between the EU and its citizens.

Integration and legitimacy have to advance in parallel. More democracy is the corollary of the greater institutional integration needed to enable the European Union to rise to current global challenges. In this respect, there is a pressing need to strengthen links between EU citizens and the democratic process of the Union.

This Communication outlines the Commission’s initiatives to facilitate citizens’ participation in the 2014 European elections and to safeguard the respect of the democratic principles of these elections. This Communication is accompanied by a Recommendation intended to enhance the democratic and efficient conduct of the European elections.

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EUR-Lex: COM(2013)126: Follow the progress of this communication through the decision-making procedure

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